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Monday, September 19, 2011

2012 Team Application

UPDATE: The IHI 2011 presentation for students is viewable online. The formatting is slightly altered in the googledoc conversion, but all the contents are there.

Get on board!

IHI is currently accepting applications for the 2012 team. Application form can be accessed here and is due September 30th, 2011. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Info session for medical and nursing students will be held on Sept. 23rd (Friday), 2011 at DSB 1002 in London and MEB 2126 in Windsor. Hope to see you there :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

News article on Lifeline Express

We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet photo-journalist Kevin Frayer and journalist Muneeza Naqvi on board the Lifeline Express in Jagdalpur. The conversations we had gave us a more accurate understanding of India as a nation, and more appreciation of the service Lifeline Express is providing to the poor and neglected. Kevin and Muneeza also shared many of their stories from the assignments across the world that spiced up our meal-time conversation (not that our meals needed any more spices in reality).

Their insightful article has been published recently, read on here or see the photo gallery.